Monday, March 7, 2011

The T.V Hat?


            Some of America's favorite pastimes include watching television, movies, and playing video games, but this new innovation brings entertainment to a whole new level. The T.V Hat may sound like a good idea, but it's far from that. Here are two reasons why:

  • It makes you look ridiculous. As shown above, this hat makes the person look like they should not belong to society. The bill on the hat is very long, the thing makes the one wearing it look like a duck without a face.
  • You will go blind. If you do not already need glasses to see, the first glance will make you want to need them (Let's get real, nobody wants glasses.) The protective screen on this is adjustable, however, it is made of plastic material. Even though the makers claim to say the plastic protector is magnified, I've found user reviews saying there is no magnification whatsoever.

         There is no wonder why this innovation is not sold in stores. Not only is it embarrassing to wear, not only does it give you blood shot eyes, the main reason why it is not a part of society is because it is simply incompetent. There is definitely sympathy to The "As Seen On T.V"
crew and their hard-working minds for attempting to make money off of this, but failed to do so.

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