Friday, March 4, 2011

Snuggies:The Newest Fashion Accessory.

Snuggie(n.)- A backwards robe with sleeves.
 Genius idea, NOT!
If I could be paid big bucks for writing about how pointless this thing is, I would quit my day job.
While watching T.V one evening, I came across something while flipping through the channels on my television.. I thought to myself “What the…” is that? I didn’t know what to think. Seriously, these things suck. I received one as a gift for Christmas, and threw it out. THANKS MOM. Hope you’re reading this!       

Here are some reasons not to get a Snuggie:
1.)   The commercials are misleading. When watching the commercials I always noticed the people sitting down on couches, not one person seen upright walking around their house. Snuggies don’t have backs, they are the same exact things as hospital gowns.
2.)   They don’t stay put. When you are lying on your couch with your backwards robe on, everything is just dandy. The minute you get up to pee or something, the Snuggie just falls off, and your freezing cold again.
3.)   They are embarrassing. I would never EVER go out wearing one, and I sure would not  go out in public with somebody who was wearing one on. I had come across a lady who was wearing one at the mall, and it was just outright REDICULOUS. Who in their  right mind would ever think of such a thing to do?
4.)   They are too expensive. Snuggies sell at retail stores for about $25. Who in the world would spend that much on a Snuggie. Just buy a knockoff for $10.
5.)   Knockoffs ARE BETTER. These knockoffs are like ponchos, and accomplish what Snuggies fali to do.  They have more interesting patterns on them, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or even Jack "The Pumpkin King."

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